17 май 2010


Институт за съвременно изкуство – София
21 май – 30 юни 2010, откриване 20 май, четвъртък, 18.00 ч.

Институтът за съвременно изкуство – София представя събираната в течение на цялото му съществуване документация за групови събития, индивидуални прояви, критични дебати, професионални сбирки и други, обхващащи времето от 1989 г. насам. Включени са и части от личните архиви на членовете на ИСИ – София.

Изложбата дава уникална възможност за проследяване на историята на изкуството ни през последните 20 години. Станалите библиографска рядкост ръчно направени каталози, чуждестранните сборници със статии, луксозните издания на международни биеналета с участия на български художници, извадките от българския и световния периодичен печат, плакатите, фотографиите от изложби и акции се стремят да запълнят празнотите в представата за един значителен за страната ни период. Това е история, която все още не може да бъде проследена в българските публични колекции, библиотеки и архиви. Изложбата, без да претендира на изчерпателност, представя една идея как в бъдеще подобни архиви могат да станат публично достояние. И макар че, естествено, не включва всички гледни точки, всички истории, тя цели да продължи дебата за съвременното изкуство и неговото представяне в музеите и книгите по история на изкуството.

Експозицията дава възможност да се видят бурните движения от казионни към независими групи и прояви; драматичните критични дебати, подпомогнали да се изработи адекватен за художествените процеси език; утвърждаването на ролята на куратора в съвременното ни изкуство въпреки присмеха, неверието и активната съпротива; включването на автори от България в глобалния художествен процес.

В изложбата се припомнят ключови за времето творби, някои от които са в музеи и колекции в чужбина, а други дори са унищожени заради липсата на институции за съхраняването им. Архивът припомня много и важни художествени организации през изминалия период – галерии, центрове и издания, чийто принос е почти забравен.

През сложните години на промени в обществото липсата на държавна културна политика спрямо съвременното изкуство позволи много талантливи хора да заминат, работите да се забравят, публикациите да се загубят, а постиженията да се игнорират. „Нашите 20 години в съвременното изкуство” е стъпка към историческото възприятие на съвременното ни изкуство в неговата перспектива, към систематизация на още живите спомените, към подготовка на изчерпателна документация за музейното й съхранение и обработка.

Отворена за разглеждане и изследване, подредена по години, документацията в изложбата е за всички – и за тези, които имат собственa история „за” и „в” това време, и за тръгналите след тях през последните две десетилетия, за всички, които се интересуват от историята на българското изкуство.

Галерия ИСИ, бул. Васил Левски 134 (вход откъм ул. Екзарх Йосиф), ап. 3,
вторник-събота: 15.00-19.00; за контакти: info@ica-sofia.org, iaraica@spnet.net,
т. +35928466261, +359887510585

04 май 2010

Наградите ESSL за първи път в България

Awarded by the Essl Collection, powered by bauMax and Vienna Insurance Group
Essl Museum
The ESSL ART AWARD is dedicated to the discovery and support of young creative talents in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia. The ESSL ART AWARD aims at supporting artists who are still in training. Collaboration with the art academies is a central point in this endeavour, as they are the nucleus and well-established centres for the training of future generations of artists. The ESSL ART AWARD covers the countries besides Austria where bauMax has a business presence: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. Through local contacts, bauMax essentially supports the organisation and implementation of the ESSL ART AWARD which is designed to promote and disseminate the contemporary art of these countries at an international level.
Registration: 01 May – 30 June 2010
Submission: until 31 August 2010
Art students from the following countries:
Who can apply?
Art students can apply if they can prove an enrolment at an art academy from the participating countries in the academic year 2009/2010. There is no age limit. The students apply in the country where they study.
REGISTRATION for Online Applications: from 1 May until 30 June 2010!
Submission of Online Applications: from 1 May until 31 August 2010
Eligible media: painting, sculpture, photography, video, mixed media
How many works can be submitted?
Applicants have to submit a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 works and/or series of works. For the jury work it is important to submit more than one work.
Can groups also apply? Yes, artist collectives can also apply (max. 5 members/students). Groups will be treated like a single person, which means in case of winning and participation at the final exhibition:
- Outpayment of one prize
- The Essl Museum will defray the travel expenses (up to a certain limit) and accommodation for
the press conference and the opening at the museum for only one artist.
Until the subsequent ESSL ART AWARD, http://www.essl.museum will provide information about the shortlisted nominees and prize winners of the Award.
The jury
International jury with an expert from each participating country and two votes from the Essl Museum.
Head of the jury: Prof. René Block (independent curator and journalist)
Under the patronage of Prof. Agnes Essl (art collector).
Shortlisting (end of 2010)
The jury will shortlist 10 artists per country (“the nominees”) in an internet voting procedure.
Each shortlisted group will be presented in a public group exhibition in the respective capital cities(May/June 2011). The number of works shown depends on the available exhibition space. Only those works submitted in the application will be presented! The duration of the exhibition is 3-4 weeks. The exhibitions will be opened in May/June 2011 on a staggered schedule. Selection of award winners (May/June 2011) On the opening day of the shortlist group exhibitions the jury will convene and choose on site and in
each country the Award Winners.
1.4.1. ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011
1.4.1. ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011
- Two donations of each EUR 3.500,-- per country
- Participation at ESSL ART AWARD Exhibition, Essl Museum, Austria (Autumn/Winter 2011).
The Essl Museum will defray the artists’ travel expenses (up to a certain limit) and accommodation for the press conference and the opening at the Museum.
- ESSL ART AWARD catalogue
A comprehensive catalogue in English and German will be published for the exhibition, covering in detail all prize winners with reproductions of works, texts and biographies.
One of the two award winners will be specially invited by the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG). This invitation includes:
- Participation at the group show of all VIG Special Invitation winners in the Exhibition Centre in the Ringturm, Vienna (headquarters VIG) (May 2012).
- Artist fee of EUR 1.000,-- per invitation / country.
All artists who are specially invited by the VIG are asked to create one new work for the exhibition at the Ringturm. Therefore the artist fee is meant as a sponsorship.
1.4.3. COLLECTOR’S INVITATION (optional)
In addition to the award winners the collector Prof. Agnes Essl is free to select works in the media of painting or photography in order to complement the final exhibition at the Essl Museum, Austria.
- Participation at ESSL ART AWARD exhibition, Essl Museum, Austria (Autumn/Winter 2011).
The Essl Museum will defray the artists’ travel expenses (up to a certain limit) and accommodation for the press conference and the opening at the Museum.
- Part of ESSL ART AWARD catalogue
November – December 2010: The jury shortlists 10 nominees for each country through an internet voting procedure.
January 2011: The Essl Museum will inform all nominees in writing.
At the nominees’ exhibition in May only those works submitted in the application will be presented.
The number of works exhibited depends on the exhibition space available and will be discussed prior
to the exhibition with the Essl Museum and the respective exhibition host.
May/June 2011: The nominee group exhibitions will be opened in the respective countries. The exhibition venues will be determined by the Essl Museum. The jury will select the Awards and the Special Invitation on site and open the exhibition. The awards will be announced at the opening.
Autumn 2011: Opening of the >ESSL ART AWARD Exhibition< at the Essl Museum,
Klosterneuburg/Vienna. The exhibition will include at least two works from each prize winner that have been on display in the group exhibitions. One or two additional new works may be exhibited.
May 2012: Opening of VIG exhibition: The artworks by the artists who are specially invited by the
Vienna Insurance Group will be displayed at the Exhibition Centre in the Ringturm (VIG), Vienna.
Essl Museum – Kunst der Gegenwart
An der Donau-Au 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg at Vienna
E: office@essl.museum
P: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 71
F: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 22
Prof. Agnes and Prof. KR Karlheinz Essl
Silvia Köpf, Koepf@essl.museum, T: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 67
Sonja Sagan, Sagan@essl.museum, T: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 50
Erwin Uhrmann, Uhrmann@essl.museum, T: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 60
Regina Holler-Strobl, Holler-Strobl@essl.museum, T: (+43) 2243 / 370 50 – 62
Against receipt of a written confirmation of your enrolment at the academy (scanned-in copy by email to esslaward@essl-award.org), you will receive an email giving you a user name and password for login.
The confirmation of enrolment needs to show that you are an art student. If this is not the case, please ask your university/academy to give you confirmation of this fact in writing and send it to us.
Please do not forget to specify the name of your university/academy!
If you don’t have a scanner please send a paper copy by snail mail to:
Essl Museum
Att. of Silvia Köpf
An der Donau-Au 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg
Email to: esslaward@essl-award.org
You can make changes in your online application until the end of the application period.
We advise you to print out this fact sheet before you start with the online application.
Applicants have to submit a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 works and/or series of works.
For each work a maximum of two additional details or further images may be submitted (e.g. “Image 1a” /
“Image 1b”).
If you submit several parts of one series please make a note of this in the field “description of work”.
Group Applications
For up to 5 members it is possible to apply as a group (please also read point 1.2. in the “Application Guidelines”). For the registration one contact person has to send the confirmations of enrolment for all members. Then you will receive one username and password for login.
After login choose “Group Application”.
Photo portrait:
Format: JPG
Resolution: 72 dpi
Size: at least 1200 pixels
File name: Last name of artist; don’t use special characters (only Latin letters)
Work images / stills:
Format: JPG (please select highest quality level)
Resolution: 300 dpi
Size: ca. 1200 x 1800 Pixel (10 x 15 cm)
File name: Work title in English; don’t use special characters (only Latin letters)
For the online application you may only submit video stills (3 stills max. per Video).
The online submission of video stills is an absolute requirement!
For the submission of video works use the online platform www.vimeo.com
How to use Vimeo:
Register on: www.vimeo.com/sign_up
Title: Use the same title of work as in your online application.
Description: Copy and paste the text “description of work” from your online application.
Tags: It is important to fill in the tag: ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011
Alternative: www.youtube.com
We recommend you to use Vimeo, because it’s the preferred platform by artists. Of course you are also free
to use alternatively Youtube. (Use the fields “Title”, “Description” and “Tags” analog as mentioned above.)
After uploading the video work copy the link into the foreseen field within the online application.
For the Online Application we can only accept images or videos. For the submission of e.g. interactive
works please explain it in the field “description of work”.
Language: English
Information on works:
Title (English)
Dimensions and/or duration
Short text (description of work / artist statement):
Description of work: 400 characters max. (incl. spaces) per work.
Artist statement (optional): 1.000 characters max. (incl. spaces)